Sunday, May 1, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hello, and welcome to my blog. This blog will be about my experience living with meditation. For the next week, I will meditate for 20 min – 30 min everyday. After each meditation session, I will document how the meditating has affected my daily life. In addition to meditation, I will try to integrate the principles of meditation into my daily life. Besides just blogging about my meditation sessions, I will also write posts that talk about meditation. I'll write about how to meditate, its principles, the Buddhism philosophy behind, and much more.

I've decided to do this because I want to try become more aware of who I am, and of the world around me. I want to see if meditation does in fact have a positive affect on my life, and if it does, in what way. I've meditated before in the Aikido class I attend every week, and I'm always eager to spend 30 minutes of class to meditate. But I want to see if I can try take this further and meditate on a daily basis. Because I do actually enjoy meditating sometimes, the other goal of this endeavor is to show whoever decides to read this blog what meditation can do for them. I hope that I'll be able to maybe inspire and encourage someone to try meditate themselves. Hopefully you'll be able take something out of my week of living with meditation.

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