Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 14

Today was the last day of two weeks of meditation, and honestly I'm kind of sad. I've found the meditating to be rather relaxing and soothing, and wish I had the discipline to continue meditating. However, knowing me, because there is no real obligation to meditate anymore, I might only ever meditate once or twice a week. But anyways, as I've said, today is day 14, and as such, this will probably be the last entry I write.

Hopefully you've learned something from my two week long undertaking, because I for sure know that I have. Besides all of the technical things like sitting technique, the various health benefits of zazen, etc, I feel like I've learned a little bit more about myself. Zazen meditation is all about becoming one with yourself, clearing your mind and viewing the world as it is. In short, zazen is the path to enlightenment, and although this takes many many years to do, I felt that over the two week period, I myself became enlightened, if only a little bit. Before this two week period, I had said that my goal was to become more aware of myself and the world around me, but awareness isn't the thing that I really got out of meditating for two weeks. It was the enjoyment of meditating that I really gained. If the most important thing that I learned was awareness, then there would be no more reason to really mediate, but because what I learned was how to enjoy the meditation, there is still a reason to meditate, which is what is really important.

Yes, my goal was to become more aware, and yes over two weeks, I did gain a little awareness, but no, that's not the most important thing I gained by meditating. What was the most important thing was the experience of meditating everyday, and how it affected my life. Because of that experience, I'll probably continue meditating in the future.

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